Friday, October 7, 2011

Multiple Gtalk Accounts

In this tut we will discuss how to open multiple gtalk accounts at once

We all know that we cant access more than one gtalk accounts at once. But there a small hack which enables us to log in to multiple gtalk accounts at once.

Follow the below instructions

  1. Install Gtalk
  2. We have to create a shorcut for gtalk for that go to Run
  3. In run paste the following appdata\roaming\google\google talk
  4. Right Click on googletalk and select create shortcut.
  5. Cut and paste the shortcut on Desktop
  6. Right Click on shortcut and select properties.
  7. In the properties windows you will find "target" and in that box you find some path. Just add /nomutex to the path as shown below and click ok
  8. Now click on the shortcut to get multiple windows(for example if you click the shortcut 2 times you will get 2 windows of gtalk through which you can logon to two different windows)
  9. Any doubts regarding this post comment below


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