Monday, October 3, 2011

Hacking Intro

The most awaited post in TechTronz is about hacking
From now we post regularly about hacking and vulnerabilities. Hacking technically means fixing a computer bug or worm. But I knew most of your interested in unethical hacking
There are three types of hackers
  1. White Hats
  2. Grey Hats
  3. Black Hats
  4. The first one includes who use their knowledge for ethical purposes
    The second type are the hackers who use it for both ethical and unethical purposes
    The third one are the hackers who use their knowledge for unethical purposes

    In this we will discuss and let you know about protecting your own website,your social networking account(but most of dem love to know others password dan protecting deir account ;-) ),cracking softwares and everything related to hacking. Hacking is about information security..I'll also let you know if you wanted to hack something when that situation demands and how not to be caught. So,have fun learning and using it for ETHICAL purposes.


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