Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Blog And Web Feeds

What is a Feed?

If you're used to surfing the internet and viewing blogs, you probably already know what a feed is. If you don't, then read on.

A feed is basically way for a blog's or website's visitor to subscribe to the site using a web page, feed reader or email to subscribe.

Whenever a new post is posted in a blog or website an email is received to the blog visitor who have subscribed to the feeds. Due to this the visitor can visit the blog whenever a new post is posted. A feed is nothing but a notifications to any changes in the blog chnages here means posting a new post

There are many types of feeds.Out of those the below two are well known

  1. RSS feed
  2. ATOM feed

RSS feed

RSS is the most common feed type. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication.It is a text-based XML format. The feed content is delivered to your favorite RSS feed reader. The most popular web-based RSS feed readers are Bloglines and Google Reader

ATOM feed

ATOM feed is also a well known feed.It also uses XML to deliver the feeds.

How To Subscribe To a Feed

Subscibing to a feed is pretty simple. Let's walk through the process together.

  1. Most of the blog have a feed icon at the top right corner. Click that icon and fill in the given details to subscribe.
  2. If that does not work you will find a box in the blog like Subscrive via email as shown below. Fill in the details and you will be subscribed to your blog

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