Thursday, September 29, 2011

Windows Shortcuts

  1. F1 : Help

  2. CTRL+ESC : Open Start Menu

  3. ALT+TAB : Switch Between Open Programs

  4. ALT+F4 : Quit Program

  5. SHIFT+DELETE : Delete Item Permenantly

  6. Windows Logo+L : Lock The Computer

  7. CTRL+C : Copy

  8. CTRL+X : Cut

  9. CTRL+V : Paste

  10. CTRL+Z : Undo

  11. CTRL+U : Underline

  12. CTRL+B : Bold

  13. CTRL+I : Italic

  14. ALT+DOUBLE CLICK : Displays Propertes

  15. CTRL+SHIFT+ESC : Opens Windows Task Manager

  16. SHIFT : Press And Hold Down The Shift Key While Inserting The CD-ROM To skip Autorun

  17. ALT+SPACE : Displays the main window's System menu (from the System menu, you can restore, move, resize, minimize, maximize, or close the window)

  18. CTRL+TAB : Switch to the next child window of a Multiple Document Interface (MDI) program

  19. ALT+f4 : Close Window

  20. CTRL+F4 : Closes the current Multiple Document Interface (MDI) window

  21. F2 : Rename object

  22. F3 : Find all files

  23. ALT+ENTER : Open the properties for the selected object

  24. F5 : Refreshes the current window.

  25. F6 : Moves among panes in Windows Explorer

  26. Windows Logo+R : Run dialog box

  27. Windows Logo+M : Minimize all

  28. Windows Logo+E : Windows Explorer

  29. Windows Logo+F : Find files or folders

  30. Windows Logo+TAB : Cycle through taskbar buttons


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