Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Getting Started With HTML

What is HTML?

HTML stands for Hypertext markup language which is the main programming structure language for web pages and browser software. As C-compiler only understands C language codes like the same way browsers understand only HTML codes. So HTML is the basic web programming language.

Using HTML you can shape your webpages using paragraphs, images, lists, indents, boxes, tables, colors, padding, and many more data structuring methods

Structure Of HTML Document

HTML language contains a opening tag and a closing tag. Every HTML page contains a opening html tag and a closed html tag. In between the opening and closing html tags we have a opening and closing head tag and opening and closing body tag. The code written between the opening and closing body tags is displayed by the browser. For the structure of HTML see below

Try this simple html code and comment the output below. Jst copy the code in notepad and save the file as (for example index.html)

Note during saving of file keep save as file type as all files

Any doubts please comment below......I will be posted the next tutorial tomorrow check out


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