Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Knowing IP address of who accessed your Gmail Account

In this tut i am gonna discuss about finding the IP address of who accessed your gmail accounts

Follow the below procedure

  1. Login Into your gmail account
  2. Scroll Down till the end of the page
  3. At the bottom right corner you will find Details

  4. Click on That and you will get a window like the one below where you can know the IP addresses of who accessed your gmail account

Any doubts regarding this please comment below

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hide Your IP And Browse Anonymous

In this tut i am gonna explain how to hide your IP. Before that lets discuss what is IP

Internet Protocol(IP)

Protocol is nothing but a system to transfer data.Internet Protocol is a system through which data is transfered in network esepcially internet. The data is transfered in the form of packets. Every network connection has an unique IP address to transfer data through internet protocol.

Why to hide your IP address?

Using IP address anyone can trace out your location. There are many tools available to trace. A hacker can exploit your system too. So its very important to hide your IP address

How to hide IP address?

There are many softwares which provide the feature to hide your IP address. The two best softwares are listed below check it out

  1. Hide IP

    ( Downlod Link : http://hotfile.com/dl/132177414/0aaeabe/Hide_IP_Easy_v5.0.4.2crack.rar.html )
  2. Resl Hide

    ( Downlod Link : http://hotfile.com/dl/132177652/60ebf00/Real_Hide_IP_4.1.5.6_-nikolas.rar.html )

After installing the software just click hide IP and your real ip address will be hidden and in that place a fake ip address is generated. So now you can browse the internet as anonymous

Any doubts regarding this topic post your comments below

Monday, October 10, 2011

How Antivirus detect Viruses

Many of us are aware of antivirus . All of us know that antivirus is used to detect viruses. But many of dont know how antivirus detects viruses.

So i thought of educating people about it.

There are 5 techniques in which an antivirus detects viruses

  1. Signature Based Scan
  2. Heuristic Based Scan
  3. Threat Sense Technology
  4. Proactive Defense
  5. Artificial Intelligence

Signature Based Scan

Maximum of antivirus programs search the antivirus by signature scan. In signature based scanning anti virus program searches within given files for the presence of certain strings (also only in certain regions).If these predefined strings are found, then antivirus report A Threat has been detected.

Heuristic Based Scan

The first heuristic engines were introduced to detect DOS viruses in 1989.Heuristic (hyu-ˈris-tik) is an adjective for methods that help in problem solving. A heuristic scan is used to detect new, unknown viruses in your systems that have not yet been identified. Only some anti viruses can do this type of scan, the majority are only able to detect known viruses.

In this scanning, anti virus program searches instructions or commands within a file that are not found in typical good application programs. As a result, a heuristic engine is able to detect potentially malicious files and report them as a virus.

Threat Sense Technology

In this technology , when a certain files does malicious activity in computer. Next, when you update your anti virus these files are send to security experts of that anti virus that you are using. They analyze the file, if it is a virus then they make it's signatures

Proactive Defense

One more technology is "Proactive Defense". It was first used by Kaspersky .When a program or process gets executed, "Proactive Defense" tells the user about the activity of the program and asks it to allow or Block. The Most advanced Proactive Defense is provided by Comodo Internet Security.

Artificial Intelligence

These programs monitor you computer activities. If any dangerous or specious activity occurred by a file, they inform user and give some option to perform certain action. Now user has to take decision that is it a virus file or helpful file. Some times, if user takes wrong decision then the software which is reported by anti virus get corrupted and antivirus quarantined.

Any doubts please comment below

Saturday, October 8, 2011

How To Make Adobe Reader to Read For You

Using Adobe reader we can make your PDF files speak to you

To make it speak follow the steps below

  1. First of all Install Adobe Reader , if you haven't already
  2. Ok So first you go to View->Read out Loud-> Activate Read Out Loud. as shown below

  3. Again go to View->Read out Loud->Read to End of Document as shown below

  4. Thats it the adobe reader reads for you

Any doubts please comment below


Untitled Document

Did you see images like the one below.

I think you might have seen while creating a new account in Gmail,yahoo or in any registration. All of us just see and fill in the box below but many of them dont know what it is. In this post i am gonna discuss about what is that image and why is it mandatory.

The image which i described above is called as CAPTCHA

What is CAPTCHA and why is it mandatory?

CAPTCHA stands for "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart". From the abbrevation you could get a overview of what captcha is. CAPTCHA is a type of challenge-response test to ensure that the response(here filling a registration form)is generated by a human and not by any bots. To avoid filling of registration forms by bots or a computer CAPTCHA is made mandatory.

How CAPTCHA can avoid bots

The challenge in breaking the CAPTCHA lies in real hard task of teaching a computer how to process information in a way similar to how humans think. It really hard to teach a bot or computer to process information as human does. In this way CAPTCHA can avoid bots

What is the Need to Create a Test that Can Tell Computers and Humans Apart?

For many the CAPTCHA may seem to be silly and annoying, but in fact it has the ability to protect systems from malicious attacks where people try to hack the system. Attackers can make use of automated softwares to generate a huge quantity of requests thereby causing a high load on the target server which would degrade the quality of service of a given system, whether due to abuse or resource expenditure. This can affect millions of legitimate users and their requests. CAPTCHAs can be deployed to protect systems that are vulnerable to email spam, such as the services from Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail.

Any doubts regarding this post comment below

Friday, October 7, 2011

Snow Transformation Pack

Many of us like the MAC operating system user interface. So for all those MAC lovers there is a transformation pack which transforms windows based operating system to have MAC user interface which is snow transformation pack

Download Link :


Note : To install this transformation pack you should disable UAC(user account control)

Follow the steps to disable UAC

  1. Go to control panel
  2. Go to user accounts and family safety
  3. In that go to user accounts
  4. Select change user account control settings

  5. In the window change the scroll bar as shown below

  6. Click ok
  7. If still installation gives error run the software as administrator. To run it as administrator right click on installation package and select run as administrator

If you have any doubts comment it below

Multiple Gtalk Accounts

In this tut we will discuss how to open multiple gtalk accounts at once

We all know that we cant access more than one gtalk accounts at once. But there a small hack which enables us to log in to multiple gtalk accounts at once.

Follow the below instructions

  1. Install Gtalk
  2. We have to create a shorcut for gtalk for that go to Run
  3. In run paste the following appdata\roaming\google\google talk
  4. Right Click on googletalk and select create shortcut.
  5. Cut and paste the shortcut on Desktop
  6. Right Click on shortcut and select properties.
  7. In the properties windows you will find "target" and in that box you find some path. Just add /nomutex to the path as shown below and click ok
  8. Now click on the shortcut to get multiple windows(for example if you click the shortcut 2 times you will get 2 windows of gtalk through which you can logon to two different windows)
  9. Any doubts regarding this post comment below

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Main Elements Of HTML

Untitled Document
In this second tutorial i am going to discuss about main elements of HTML document
Understanding the main elements of HTML will fetch you a lot in our future tutorials so pay attention on this tutorial
These elements are important during the validation of document.Lets go through the main elements of HTML document
  1. <!DOCTYPE>
  2. <html>
  3. <head>
  4. <meta>
  5. <title>
  6. <body>
It Communicates with software(validators, browser) accessing the page to help identify the HTML rules being followed inside the document. It states and helps verify that all tags used within the document are syntactically correct to the document type defined.
Defines the beginning and end of the HTML document. It contains <head>,<meta>,<title> and <body> sections of the document
It is used to describe the content in the document. It contains two tags <meta> and <title>.
In this section we can also integrate external CSS and javscript.
Used to describe the document with a description and keywords primarily. We can also communicate with search engine robots using many types of meta type content, and give specific instructions to the browser software currently accessing our pages.
Displays a page title in the browser tab bars and bookmark lists. The title element should come directly after your tags in the document and also communicates to search engine indexing bots to some degree.
As i have said about this in the first tutorial. Lets describe it again.Directly after the <head>  element closes(</head>) we define our element. This element contains everything that we want to display to the browser software. All the paragraph tags tables and all other content used to represent information goes under this tag.

The above are the main elements in a HTML document.

Analyze the below html code and try to execute it!!!

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<meta name="keywords" content="html, elements, web, page, structure, code"/>
<title>My Webpage</title>
<p>Hello World!</p>

Find the output and comment the result below

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

IOS 5 Video Tour

The IOS 5 is released and is getting a positive talk. Lets see the video review

Iphone 4S

The much awaited Iphone 4s and IOS 5 has released on Oct 4th 2011. Lets see the new features

  1. Dual Core A5 chip
  2. Siri
  3. Improved 8MP camera
  4. 1080p HD videos
  5. IOS 5
  6. Icloud
  7. Retina Display

Dual Core A5 Chip

One of the advancement from iphone4 to iphone4s is the dual core A5 chip. It performs tasks twice as speed as before. Multi-tasking is Fantanstic. You will enjoy the speed of iphone 4s


Siri The voice recognition system in Iphone 4s. Siri on iPhone 4S lets you use your voice to send messages, schedule meetings, place phone calls, and more. Ask Siri to do things just by talking the way you talk. Siri understands what you say, knows what you mean, and even talks back. Siri is so easy to use and does so much, you'll keep finding more and more ways to use it.

Improved 8MP camera

8MP camera with all new optics that's 60% more pixels than the camera on Iphone 4. The all new optics of the camera makes all the difference. The fetching part is due to the processor(A5) and IOS 5 which captures mindblowing pictures.It has face detection too.

1080p HD videos

Video recording at 1080p. You can shoot mind-blowing videos you had ever seen.With all-new optics, the light is always right, the color is always vivid, and everything will look even better than you remember. It takes 30 frames per second


Over 200 more features added to Iphone 5. Some are specified below

  1. Notofication Centre
  2. Messages with imessage
  3. New type reminders
  4. Camera enhancements and so on


Using Icloud you can stores your music, photos, documents, and more and wirelessly pushes them to all your devices. Some of the features of icoud are

  1. Itunes match
  2. Photo stream
  3. Documents in cloud

Retina Display

The Retina display is the highest-resolution phone screen ever. In fact, the pixel density is so high that the human eye is unable to distinguish individual pixels. But without a doubt, you'll notice crisp text, sharp graphics, and stunning images. It's more remarkable than the printed page. And you'll be completely absorbed.

Some of the other features are

  1. Rendering of Graphics upto 7 times better
  2. Advanced safari browser with its speed doubled
Do watch this video guys!!!!!!

Getting Started With HTML

What is HTML?

HTML stands for Hypertext markup language which is the main programming structure language for web pages and browser software. As C-compiler only understands C language codes like the same way browsers understand only HTML codes. So HTML is the basic web programming language.

Using HTML you can shape your webpages using paragraphs, images, lists, indents, boxes, tables, colors, padding, and many more data structuring methods

Structure Of HTML Document

HTML language contains a opening tag and a closing tag. Every HTML page contains a opening html tag and a closed html tag. In between the opening and closing html tags we have a opening and closing head tag and opening and closing body tag. The code written between the opening and closing body tags is displayed by the browser. For the structure of HTML see below

Try this simple html code and comment the output below. Jst copy the code in notepad and save the file as (for example index.html)

Note during saving of file keep save as file type as all files

Any doubts please comment below......I will be posted the next tutorial tomorrow check out

Blog And Web Feeds

What is a Feed?

If you're used to surfing the internet and viewing blogs, you probably already know what a feed is. If you don't, then read on.

A feed is basically way for a blog's or website's visitor to subscribe to the site using a web page, feed reader or email to subscribe.

Whenever a new post is posted in a blog or website an email is received to the blog visitor who have subscribed to the feeds. Due to this the visitor can visit the blog whenever a new post is posted. A feed is nothing but a notifications to any changes in the blog chnages here means posting a new post

There are many types of feeds.Out of those the below two are well known

  1. RSS feed
  2. ATOM feed

RSS feed

RSS is the most common feed type. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication.It is a text-based XML format. The feed content is delivered to your favorite RSS feed reader. The most popular web-based RSS feed readers are Bloglines and Google Reader

ATOM feed

ATOM feed is also a well known feed.It also uses XML to deliver the feeds.

How To Subscribe To a Feed

Subscibing to a feed is pretty simple. Let's walk through the process together.

  1. Most of the blog have a feed icon at the top right corner. Click that icon and fill in the given details to subscribe.
  2. If that does not work you will find a box in the blog like Subscrive via email as shown below. Fill in the details and you will be subscribed to your blog

Please free feel to comment if you have any doubts and like this page if it is useful

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Sixth Sense Technology

The next generation technology is here.....that is SIXTH SENSE TECHNOLOGY. It's developed by an Indian called Pranav Mistry. Its all virtual interface.Here are some videos about it .Check them out. I'll be uploading about it shortly about what it's,how to use it and all.....

Windows 8 Developer Preview

The much awaited windows 8 beta is released. To download the beta version of windows 8 developer preview check out the below web page

Web Page: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/apps/br229516


Check out the video below for windows 8 developer preview

Linux Journal October 2011

Linux Journal one of the famous journal in linux world.It's got interesting facts about linux and other programming languages.

Linux Journal October 2011 has focussed on Networking.Check out the linux journal by downloading from the below download link

Download Link : http://hotfile.com/dl/131452080/1a3ee29/Linux_Journal_-_October_2011_(US).pdf.html


Today we will  be learning about how to secure our social networking accounts from malicious phishing attacks..

What is phishing????Phishing is an e-mail fraud method in which the perpetrator sends out legitimate-looking email in an attempt to gather personal and financial information from recipients. Typically, the messages appear to come from well known and trustworthy Web sites. Web sites that are frequently spoofed by phishers include PayPal, eBay, MSN, Yahoo, BestBuy,Facebook,Orkut,My Space and America Online. A phishing expedition, like the fishing expedition it's named for, is a speculative venture: the phisher puts the lure hoping to fool at least a few of the prey that encounter the bait.

How are we attacked????

It's the most vulnerable kind of attacking a person's mail id and his personal information. They are done with help of fake login pages. Fake login pages are those which exactly look like the login of a social networking or some PayPal site. But every login page has got a redirection link from where the page gets redirected to the server. Then the server checks your id and password,if it matches den you'll  be rediercted to your account. This is the general process how we get logged into our social networking account.

    Here the hacker makes use of the redirection link to redirect the data of your accpount to his web domain. Then he redirects to some other pages where your id and password will be stored in  his domain.

The phishing link looks something like dis .....you can find some icons are missing and the address bar link also

How to protect yourself??????

To protect yourself from this malicious attacks you have to make sure that the one who sends the link is trustworthy one and check the address bar of your browser if it's the direct login page provided by the particular social network or not.

We encourage your comments and feedback regarding article and the blog.....feel free to mail your views and your articles to ghizimofreakers@gmail.com

Google Searching Tricks

In this tut we will discuss about Google searching tricks

  1. Using Google search engine we can search specified file formats.For example If you want to search a keyword.doc file we should search as
    keyword filetype:doc
  2. Google search engine is also used to search educational resources like collegename.edu. To search we type the following in the search box
    keyword site:.edu
  3. Finding the time of any location. For example to find time of romania we type
    time romania
  4. Finding the weather of any location. For example for findind weather of boston we type
    boston weather
  5. Using Google as a calculator. For example type in the search box and see the result
    (9 * 10)(143+234)(119-8)
  6. Converting currencies. Here IN operator is used. For example
    1 USD in INR
  7. Tracking stocks. For example
  8. Finding faces add imgtype=face to the URL

Monday, October 3, 2011

Samsung Galaxy S2 review

The famous android phone samsung galaxy s2 is greating nice market. Lets check out the review of it.

A New Android Market For Phones

Watch This Tech Video of android

Digit FastTrack Blogging

The Very Famous Digit magazine fast track edition.

The Below e-book is Digit Fasttrack edition blogging check it out

Download Link : http://hotfile.com/dl/131377936/b44ec4f/02_2007__Blogging.pdf.html

Hacking Intro

The most awaited post in TechTronz is about hacking
From now we post regularly about hacking and vulnerabilities. Hacking technically means fixing a computer bug or worm. But I knew most of your interested in unethical hacking
There are three types of hackers
  1. White Hats
  2. Grey Hats
  3. Black Hats
  4. The first one includes who use their knowledge for ethical purposes
    The second type are the hackers who use it for both ethical and unethical purposes
    The third one are the hackers who use their knowledge for unethical purposes

    In this we will discuss and let you know about protecting your own website,your social networking account(but most of dem love to know others password dan protecting deir account ;-) ),cracking softwares and everything related to hacking. Hacking is about information security..I'll also let you know if you wanted to hack something when that situation demands and how not to be caught. So,have fun learning and using it for ETHICAL purposes.

Linux Commands

Linux is the powerful operating system due to its Kernel.For giving instructions to kernal there are some specified linux commands. If you master these commands you could do wonders with linux.Below is the link for the ebook to learn linux commands


Sunday, October 2, 2011

Desktop Enhancements

In this tut i am gonna discuss about desktop widgets for windows

What are Desktop Widgets?

Desktop Widgets are enhancements which gives life to your Desktop. Using these enhancements you can have a lot like weather,notes etc on the Desktop itself

Some of the famous Desktop Widgets are

  1. Samurize
  2. Google Desktop
  3. Yahoo Widget

There are some Docks to customize your Desktop

  1. Rocketdock
  2. Objectdock


It is an awesome desktop enhancement for windows which has many gadgets and extra plugins which is an awesome enhancement

Download Link : http://www.filehippo.com/download_samurize/

Google Desktop

This is a Desktop enhancement developed by google.As you all know google is best at search this desktop enhancement offers great search bar for all your files,images,photos and what not all

Download Link : http://www.filehippo.com/download_google_desktop/

Yahoo widget

Yahoo! Widgets help you save time and stay current by bringing an always-updated, at-a-glance view of your favorite Internet services right to your desktop. The Yahoo! Widget Gallery offers over 4,000 desktop Widgets

Download Link : http://www.filehippo.com/download_yahoo_widget/


RocketDock is an great application launcher for windows. You can create any launcher and integarte into rocketdock and access then from the desktop.

Download Link : http://www.filehippo.com/download_rocketdock/


objectdock is similar to rocketdock. It is also an application launcher. So check it out

Download Link : http://www.filehippo.com/download_objectdock/

The Hacker's Underground Handbook

This ebook is a good place to start know what hacking is and what are different types of hacking. This book is written by David Melnichuk

Download Link : http://www.mediafire.com/?44psk81owzbgsba

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Manage Startup Programs in Windows

In This Tut I am going to explain how to manage startup programs in windows operating system

  1. Click The Start Button
  2. Open "Run"
  3. In Run Type msconfig and press enter
  4. You will Get a window like the one shown below

  5. Go To "startup" tab and you will see the list of programs which start automatically when you boot your computer
  6. You can remove the unwanted startup programs which start during boot by removing the tick mark thereby saving memory on RAM and you computer will give high performance

  7. There are other options in that window i will discuss them detail in another post......stay tuned
  8. Any doubts regarding this post you can comment and i will be always there to help you

Internet Download Manager

Internet Download Manager increases your download speed according to your bandwidth and maintains your download bandwidth evenly. It downloads files my splitting them into pieces thereby increasing the download speeds. It also has a flv grabber to grab videos and sounds. Using this you can pause your downloads and download whenever you want. If you have some problems and your download has interputed you can resume using IDM

Download Link : http://hotfile.com/dl/131197015/ceee349/Internet_Download_Manager_6.05_Build_7_Final.zip.html

Instructions of how to install IDM

  1. Download from the above link and extract it
  2. Install idman605f.exe
  3. Click on the patch provided with it and a window will open
  4. In that window click patch as shown below . Click patch only after you installed IDM
  5. Thats it

Any Doubts leave a comment below

Important Plugins For Browsers

In this i will discuss some of the plugins you should have to run applications on browsers and web sites

The main plugins you have to install ato run almost all aplications in websites and browsers are mentioned below

  1. Adobe Flash Player
  2. Java Runtime Environment
  3. Shockwave Player

Adobe Flash Player

This plugin is used to run flash files in websites and without which you cant see youtube videos. So it's a very essential plugin and very handy

Download Link For Internet Explorer(IE)(Non-IE): http://www.filehippo.com/download_flashplayer_ie/

Download Link For Non-Internet Explorer : http://www.filehippo.com/download_flashplayer_firefox/

Java Runtime Environment(JRE)

The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) provides the libraries, the Java Virtual Machine, and other components to run applets and applications written in the Java programming language and also applications which are written in Java on websites

Download Link For 32-bit users : http://www.filehippo.com/download_jre_32/

Download Link For 64-bit users : http://www.filehippo.com/download_jre_64/

Shockwave Player

The Shockwave Player allows you to view interactive web content like games, business presentations, entertainment, and advertisements from your web browser. It allows you to play some dazzling 3d games on net

Download Link : http://www.filehippo.com/download_shockwave/

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